I Don’t Have to Help God!

Posted by Shelly James on

I was reading through a post and came across a line that said, “I don’t have to help God.” That really stuck out to me. At first I took a little offense to it. What do you mean, I don’t have to help God? I should help Him do His job. Wouldn’t that make Him happy to have some help? I could be a better person by gossiping less. I could help by trying my hardest to be better in all aspects of my life. But then I almost came to tears. Because ugghhh…. I am trying. I live my life trying my hardest already and I immediately felt like a failure and overwhelmed. Well that’s not the feeling He would want me to have. This can’t be right. But then I repeated the line again. “I don’t have to help God.” A little louder. “I DON’T HAVE TO HELP GOD.” Yes, I can help myself, by trying all day long to live His will. But guess what, He doesn’t need me to help Him! He is working and fixing away in my life in places I can’t see nor help. He is preparing me for things I can’t understand and I don’t need to know about. He is working in my life to help me, not the other way around. Yes, I can always strive to be a better mom, wife, friend, and teacher. I can strive to have a closer relationship with God and clean up all the messes in my life. But I don’t have to help Him. He has me in the exact spot He wants me. He loves me all the ways I am: a sinner, broken, and a hot mess. Actually, trying to help Him is like putting myself on His level. "Hey God, I have this all under control. Let me do that the way I think it needs to be done." Can you tell I have control issues? But with God, He wants me to sit still and let him do the work. Let Him be in the control seat. Wow! Just wow! How humbling and rewarding is it to know that He doesn’t need my help. That I don’t have to be in control and that’s ok. I don’t have to help God! --Shelly


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